Diamond Packaging recently announced the introduction of Diamondessence™ combination packaging, new folding carton designs to leverage brand equity and deliver maximum impact on store shelves.
Packaging is branding. Innovations in structures and substrates offer marketers a number of competitive advantages, including perceived value, brand differentiation, and shelf prominence.
Plastic has added a whole new dimension to packaging, creating a visible link between the packaging and the product itself. It is this connection that helps builds brand loyalty over time.
Diamond has embraced this trend by investing in new state-of-the-art windowing equipment to deliver paperboard, plastic or combination packaging that reveals the product inside. Packaging that inspires. Packaging that sells. more
Dennis Bacchetta
The floating diamond is unique. Can I request a sample(s) through this blog?
What kind of plastic is used? Is polypropylene getting ore attention from consumer companies?
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